" I am still flying high from Saturday. I can’t tell you how many people told me that was the Best Service they have ever been to. It was really special and I can’t thank you enough. While we will not be practicing anymore I still want to see you, maybe some Friday night services this summer. "
- Proud Father
" Thank you all for creating a beautiful service for my daughter. It was an emotional & fabulous night. "
- Proud Mother
" You prepared her so well, even with her stage fright at game time. Without your teaching and counsel, she could never have done so beautifully. "
- Proud Father
" Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Michael is so happy and we owe a lot to you...he is so proud of himself."
- Proud Mother
" You were an amazing inspiration to our entire family and you too are now a permanent member of our family. Rachel loved her studies - what an accomplishment as there are not too many people who can say that their child enjoyed Hebrew school. And, what a performance. She was amazing. A million times, thank you,"
- Proud Mother
" Before I begin my formal speech, there is someone that I must acknowledge. I am not sure if people realize the difficult task of conveying the customs and traditions to a young person. This is quite a difficult task. To keep the interest of a pre-teen and make these concepts interesting is truly remarkable and it is such an important thing. This is so important to be able to make this experience work for families like ours. Most young men would not spend their free time working with children to pass these traditions on to the next generation. I am so proud of Charles, as I am his Mother, but Joel, I am so proud of you for what you are doing for these young people. And I am so thankful to you. We literally could not have done this without you. "
- Proud Mother
" Thanks for your guidance and support! I'm so happy our son has a role model like you."
- Proud Father
" Thank you Joel. It was a wonderful evening and certainly the highlight was the service. We thank you for all your hard work and guidance."
- Proud Mother
" We too are still kvelling and have received unbelievably positive feedback from so many people saying that this was truly one of the most soulful and beautiful services that they have ever attended. We are also feeling so delighted with all that you did for for us. I think we all feel a real debt of gratitude to you and and a deep sense of connection. You are really an incredible young man and I am absolutely positive that you would make an extraordinary rabbi. You have a true spiritual quality and great leadership skills. You are a natural Joel in whatever you do."
- Proud Mother
" Words can not express how happy we were with Luke's Bar Mitzvah...and it would not have been possible without you!!! We are so happy to have you in our lives and look forward to knowing you forever."
- Proud Family
" It is so wonderful having you in our lives. we are very appreciative...Sam is learning so much."
- Proud Mother
" Wish you could hear us talk about you. We just can't get over how terrific you are - such a special person."
- Proud Mother
" We’d love for you to say a few words about David during the party. He really considers you his brother. Please let’s figure out a way for you to continue coming over … even once or twice a month. Perhaps as a homework helper?"
- Proud Family
" Joel, you have a tremendous impact on Jake, he looks up to you and totally values the friendship you have created."
- Proud Family
" Joel, it was a sheer pleasure to work with you. I think you are great, and if I can ever help you in any way, please don't hesitate to let me know - here's working together in the future!"
- Proud Father
" Thank you again for everything. We think that Charles really should continue his Jewish education in some way. "
- Proud Mother
" Thank you, I am so glad that you enjoyed and appreciated our boys. They enjoyed class so so much so thank you to you. "
- Proud Mother
" Thank you so much. Sarah did a terrific job and Perry followed right along. I appreciate all your help. "
- Proud Mother
" Thanks so much this wonderful experience we all will keep forever and it couldn’t have happened without you and Bari. You both will always hold a place in our hearts. "
- Proud Father
" You both helped to create an extraordinary experience for Rayah our families and friends. The impact will be memorable for all. "
- Proud Family
" I wanted to thank you for all you have done. It is really a pleasure to see you with the boys and how much you have taught them and how much they respect you and the way they respond to you. "
- Proud Father
" I am thrilled because our son loves you and he is kind of a tough cookie on people. "
- Proud Mother
" Thanks Joel, I just want you to know that we all really appreciate all that you are doing. "
- Proud Mother
" You're the best! We are so appreciative to have found you!!! "
- Proud Mother
" Since it bears repeating-- you and Stan did a wonderful job - true to what you wanted the BM training and service to be like and respectful of us - I had one of the most fun evenings that I can remember. All your efforts bore fruit and Nicholas outdid himself - his Hebrew and analysis. A beautiful lesson in learning and maturing - be proud of yourselves.
- Proud Father
" Thanks so much this wonderful experience we all will keep forever and it couldn’t have happened without you and Bari. "
- Proud Father
" I found myself thinking about how lucky we are to have Door To Door Tutoring in our lives... I was out with Nancy and Charles yesterday as we shared a mini Door To Door love fest.... You have had such a profound impact on my son's life in so many ways and I am not sure that I have adequately thanked you. He turns to you for many things, to watch this relationship develop has been such a joy and I feel so blessed as I am sure my son does... As you are well aware the past 2 years have been extremely difficult for all of us but sharing Monday nights with you has definitely made both my children smile.... Thank you, Thank you my dear friend.... "
- Proud Mother
" It is hard for me to express how thankful I am that you were brought into our lives, last night (Bar Mitzvah) was only one example of the profound impact you have had on my son as well as my daughter. Every Monday night my children anxiously await your arrival (for me I think it is a bit weird that they are excited to "study" some more) My daughter who is known to wander the building asks that we call her when you get here, My son is busy recapping his day so he does not forget to share with you. The chair is dragged into his bedroom and your seat at the desk it awaiting. It has become a ritual, someone brings the chair, someone gets you the water and eventually when the laughter dies down I hear him reciting his Hebrew lesson and then I hear my daughter giggling and singing along. Inevitably you stay past the hour we have carved out for you, not to teach more but to shower my children with love, my daughter is on your lap and I always hear you telling "The Hebrew Scholar" how funny he is, or even more serious things like you must work harder. You are a brother, mentor and friend to my children, you are a brother, son and friend to me... You are our family and we are extremely fortunate to have you in our lives. Last night (Bar Mitzvah) was simply perfect (and I don't like to use that word)... You knew I had a vision and you helped me achieve it. Not one person could sense the difficulty our family has endured the room was filled with love, the energy was amazing and it is in a large part due to you... Thank you my dear friend.... Not sure how we are going to be able to deal with Monday nights now....? Much love... "
- Proud Family
" At the risk of belaboring this point -- congratulations on the B'Nai Mitzvah of Sam and Nick. I found your generosity of spirit quite moving; it created a space for them to excel despite whatever fears or pressure they may have felt. I'm glad that we were able to bring some music into the service and I hope you do find a way to remain connected in some way. "
- Proud Congregant
" Dear Joel, It couldn't have been a more perfect ceremony, and we feel so lucky and so honored that you were at the helm--a very impressive sight, you at the bima flanked by your two-man posse at the podiums. thank you, thank you. with gratitude and, yes, love, Fran and Matt "
- Proud Family
" Joel, I really want to thank you again. Tonight was wonderful. My dad told me that he cried and thought of his father (a wonderful grandfather to me) when you said that you learned a few months ago that Sam was a Cohain. So not only were my wife and me thrilled but you passed the test that I might have been worried about the most. Sam of course was incredibly proud and maybe a bit relieved and he impressed us all. I can barely remember the school teacher who helped me with my Bar Mitzvah (Mr Weisberg I think). The relationship and mentorship that you have had with the boys has been special. I can only hope that it will continue. Thanks so much. "
- Proud Father
" Words can not express how happy we were with Luke's Bar Mitzvah...and it would not have been possible without you!!! We are so happy to have you in our lives and look forward to knowing you forever. "
- Proud Family
" I just know that everyone always raves about what you are able to pull off!"
- Interested Mother
" I was so impressed by the work you had organized for our meeting last night. Boy do I have my work cut out for me. Knowing that you are so well prepared and are such a good resource is very reassuring. "
- Proud Mother
" You made the night! We got tons of emails and everyone is raving about the service. What an accomplishment. We are still on cloud 9. Hope to see you soon. We will put a shabbat dinner on the books. "
- Proud Family
" Thank you so much for leading such a warm, terrific service. So many people came up to me and remarked what a nice service it was and what a nice job you did leading it. I am so happy that we did the service this way; it was so much more intimate and more meaningful. I am so proud of Spencer and he is very proud, which is so nice. He really enjoyed working with you and Ben and got so much out of the entire experience. You were terrific to work with for such a special time in Spencer's life and we as a family will always remember it with such fondness. You were a pleasure to work with! "
- Proud Mother
" Thank you so much for being such an enormous part of Saturday night's huge success. You ar such a wonderful addition to our lives and please, please continue to stay in touch! We miss u already! Thank u again and again! You did such an incredible job, my uncle who was there and was president of his congregation for many years and has gone to countless Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, was blown away by the kids pronunciation and their leading of the service. Thanks for being part of triplet history in New York City! "
- Proud Mother
" YOU WERE PHENOMENAL!!!!!!! You were so dynamic. I felt so proud the moment you began because you really set the tone for the whole service to come. You have such a warm, kind and gentle way about you, but at the same time, you have such a strong and confident presence. You gained everyone’s respect instantaneously. I felt so comfortable with you in charge. It was such a joy to hear you pray and sing. I know you really wanted my son to do most of it without you, but when you joined him, it was really soothing. The whole service was surreal to me. All in all, it was so emotional in a wonderful way. Needless to say, my phone hasn’t stopped ringing and EVERYONE wants to hire you. Planning my son's Bar Mitzvah with you has been such a pleasure. You really handled everything in the best way possible. You led me in the right direction, whether it be the siddurs, torah rental or musicians… You are very capable and professional. And I didn’t even mention the most important gift of all. You gave my son a sense of pride in being Jewish and an understanding of our heritage. This is the truly what I was wishing for when I called you the first time. He will have this for the rest of his life. So a mere ”thank you” could never encompass all of our appreciation. We truly admire you for the person, teacher and friend that you are. Like I said before, we are all so thankful for having a relationship with you. "
- Proud Mother
" You are a wonderful inspiration to all the children with whom you work. "
- Rabbi Posner, Temple Emanu-El, NYC
" We are so proud of Emily as well. I want to thank you so much for everything that you did. Having Melissa for Emily's tutor was simply amazing. It was so wonderful to have both of you together leading the service. I can't even begin to tell you how many people have told us that it was the most enjoyable service that they had EVER attended. I look forward to you working with Adam and I hope to see you before we start for him. "
- Proud Mother
" Harry and I were both thrilled with the service. Everyone enjoyed it immensely, someone who belongs to BJ and many Bar Mitvahs, said it was one of the the nicest. I loved that many people got to participate and that Douglas really had a huge role throughout. You and Ben were spectacular- Ben truly taught Douglas so very much. I am hoping Douglas will continue- even if it is only one a month, I have no doubt that he would participate in a Friday dinner group w/ other kids if you were running it. "
- Proud Family
" We wanted to say thanks for a fabulous year. Both Emma and Max learned so much. Emma adored Ariel -- she is hoping that it works out for Ariel to tutor her next year. Max also loved Craig. You are very talented at recruiting wonderful people. Thanks so much for everything. "
- Proud Family
" We had a busy and productive Sunday featuring not one but two separate meetings with 2 separate D2D Bens! Zoe met with Ben for the 1st time today to begin her SAT work. She and I both found him to be very bright, warm, knowledgeable and completely engaging. Thank you so much for yet again sending us another gem of a tutor. "
- Proud Family
" We just finished My daughter's Bat Mitzvah celebration. It was amazing!!!! She did a beautiful job - not one mistake!!! You did a great job with her and for that I am truly grateful. Seeing her beautiful smile, her sparkling eyes, her sweet voice, in that amazing location!! Wow!! Words cannot describe how happy and proud my husband and I are of her!!! Joel, the letter you wrote her was so special !!! My husband read it to her in front of our family at the Bat Mitzvah brunch. Everyone was speechless. Over the past few months, I have mentioned you to our family members. They all heard me say such wonderful things about you and Door To Door Tutoring, but once they heard the letter, they knew my words were true!!! You, too, are amazing. "
- Proud Mother
" I am sorry that I did not tell you earlier how much we enjoyed working with Ariel. She was such a wonderful addition to our Sunday afternoons and Bradley adored her. I have never seen him so captivated by a teacher as they would keep up for a whole hour with teachings and singing. I hope that she has a successful year and that we can one day be back with her. "
- Proud Mother
" How do we begin to thank you for all that you have done for our family. The service was truly outstanding and we couldn't have done it without you. You have had such a positive impact on our family. We feel so blessed to have you in our lives. We hope that you enjoyed the festivities after the service. Please stay in touch and let's figure out a way to continue our jewish learning. "
- Proud Parents
" There are no words to express what you did not only for my son but for our entire family. Yesterday was difficult and the absence of my mother-in-law was profound BUT because of YOU we were able to witness my son on the bema (in his three piece suit) and read from the Torah. It was truly extraordinary. Both kids were upset after you left on our last Thursday and I sat them down and told them not to worry. That our relationship wasn't transactional--that we were FRIENDS and would continue to be friends and that one day we will be at your son's bar mitzvah. thank you, Joel. thank you so much. "
- Proud Family
" I really wanted to thank you for the service and for being you. It was really intimate, warm and just really great. Everyone said that it was the nicest service that they had been to. "
- Proud Mother
" I just wanted to tell you once more how wonderful the service was. I was almost in tears watching him up there, chant the Hebrew, like he has been doing it for his entire life. And the way that you spoke was so beautiful and elegant and the talk about feeling so comfortable at our table. It was so nice. So, thank you again very much. We are looking forward to seeing what you can do with our younger son. We received so many compliments on the service and how well Jack did. Thanks! "
- Proud Father
" The Bat Mitzvah Ceremony was beyond anything I could have dreamed. Done on top of Massada and followed by a swim in the dead sea, camel rides and a visit to the western wall and the old city, it was a day I will always remember. I have both of you to thank for having made this day a reality. My Daughter did beautifully and furthermore, has been so knowledgeable about so many places we have gone to visit, especially Yad Veshem. She has blown away my parents and their spouses, and has shown facets that they didn't know existed. "
- Proud Family
" As to her bat mitzvah, specifically, her speech was so wonderful and she did great in the prayers that she said. She seemed to get a lot out of the whole experience and I think was very proud of herself. Moreover, I think - as much as possible for the type of teenager she is - she was very moved by the intimacy and warmth of our family, complex as it is, being a part of this day in such a personal, loving way. "
- Proud Family
" The Rabbi, Chaya Baker, was unbelievable. I recommend her for anyone you send here. She was warm and disarming, young and cool, serious with a certain gravitas, purposeful without being heavy handed, especially in light of the very modified type of service that we wanted. I really don't know how to thank you both. I know there was a lot of skepticism and doubt as to whether this would all take place, but for my daughter - and for me - it did, and I cannot thank you enough for the roles you played not only to and for her, but the support and understanding, not to mention the compassion, you gave to me. "
- Proud Family
" It would be an understatement to say that the entire event was anything short of incredible. The tone for the evening was definitely set during the service. Everyone there could sense how special it was. It was approachable/accessible to all our guests. The religious significance was clearly present yet the personal pieces gave a unique dimension that left many realizing they, too, could consider doing something similar in their family. What truly made the service special was having you and Noam be a part of it. You were the driving force in helping my son realize this important milestone in his life and I can't thank you enough. "
- Proud Family
" Thank you for all of your dedication and kindness. Our daughter benefitted in so many ways by having you there for her over the past nine months. I think you grounded her, increased her confidence, and made her so proud of her heritage. My husband and I are most appreciative. Keep in touch with us. (Maybe our daughter will need a math tutor again!!) "
- Proud Family
" This syllabus looks great to me. I was able to observe a lesson for the first time at my home last week (usually it is at the other family’s home) and I was so impressed with Becky. She is a fabulous teacher for our daughter - and has such a beautiful voice. I am really thrilled to have her teaching them. Thank you. "
- Proud Mother
" Thank you again for a wonderful service and for being a special part of the celebration! It couldn't have been better - you prepared our daughter so well, and as usual you connected with our friends, family and community in a way that made our daughter's moment stand out. Thank you for the last minute preparation for L'Chai Lach - it was a highlight for me and I'm sure for our daughter and everyone, and was such a unique, special touch. She deserved that blessing as I do think her name will be great and many people will someday know her name! Everybody has reached out to us today with beautiful comments and memories of her, the service, and the evident warmth and love. Thank you for contributing to that. Let's be sure to have a Shabbat dinner soon! We were so happy, and thank you again. "
- Proud Parents
" We cannot thank you enough for such an extraordinary experience. You really managed to make this very challenging process a true pleasure for our daughter and our family. You are truly a gift to our entire family. Look forward to staying in touch "
- Proud Mother
" THANK YOU!!! You are such an true and total mensch and my son had THE BEST TIME. I just hope you survived his reserved and demure personality...For what it's worth you did a huge mitzvah and made a little boy very happy-and he even learned something in the process. Again, heartfelt thanks! "
- Proud Family
" I keep meaning to call you to thank you again for all that you did for my son. His service was so beautiful and meaningful. There was not a dry eye in the place. So many people have told us how amazing you were, and how much of a connection they saw between you and my son. The service was everything we wanted and more. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for truly creating the perfect service for our family. We will never forget it. After such a wonderful experience with my son, we have decided to have you work with our daughter at the end of this school year. As such, we would be THRILLED if she could study with you and of course have you help her through her Bat Mitzvah…We miss seeing you here, and would welcome the opportunity to see you here again anytime. "
- Proud Mother
" Thank you very much for all your work as our daughter was very well prepared and did a great job at her Bat Mitzvah thanks to your service. "
- Proud Grandmother
" I wanted to say thanks so much for all the caring and grace with which you handled our daughter. I know she will never forget it and we hope to stay in touch. Everyone was in awe at the service. You are really a pro but with so much feeling and truth. You brought all of our feelings to the surface in such a beautiful and honest way. I can never thank you enough. We loved it! I hope my daughter will continue to work with Rachel and Noam, two wonderful people! Thanks again, and we will speak soon I hope. "
- Proud Mother
" I can't thank you enough for schlepping here tonight and for performing such a beautiful naming ceremony for our youngest daughter. We were all so touched by you and how personal you made it. And as I said, our niece is a special child and to see what you have done with her and for her is something I can't thank u enough for. "
- Proud Family
" Thank you for helping to make last night one of the most special nights for our family. We are on such a high! I was not joking, and my father would be very upset with me, if we don't pick a weekend for you to come to come over! Thanks again. "
- Proud Mother
" Thanks so much for sending this donation information, Joel, and this will make my husband and me very happy. Again, can't thank you enough for the gifts you've given my family. I'm still pretty emotional thinking about last weekend, beginning with Shabbat and then of course our niece’s magical night on Saturday. As I said, you've given her the gift of confidence, pride and joy and there's no price tag for those... "
- Proud Aunt
" I want to thank you immensely for all the work you have put in with my son. He is truly fond of you and enjoys his time with you. You have made such a wonderful difference. I wish you the best of luck at school and please keep in touch. "
- Proud Mother
" Thank you so much for making our son's Bar Mitzvah so special. Everyone said it was the best service they ever went to. He really rose to the occasion. "
- Proud Mother
" “The service was terrific. We continue to receive accolades on the service from family and friends. Many friends commented on how much they learned about Bar Mitzvahs because of the way the service was conducted and by the way it was explained to them. You and our son’s tutor did a great job in tutoring and coaching our son through. "
- Proud Family
" Thank you for the Kiddush cup for our family. More importantly, thank you for everything...working with our son and making his Bar Mitzvah really special! Everyone was asking who you are and they said that was the most beautiful and personal bar mitzvah service they have ever been to. I imagine you will need an office on Long island soon. "
- Proud Father
" To say that we owe a huge debt of gratitude to D2D is an understatement. For the past two years, our daughter’s tutor and spiritual guide, has been a source of wisdom, vision, humor and treats for our dog! His dedication is unmatched – he is an exceptional teacher and an incredible role model. Additionally, we would like to offer a special thanks to our other tutor who tutored our daughter when she was just beginning to learn Hebrew. Her creativity and thoughtfulness are inspirational. "
- Proud Mother
" I cannot tell you how many of my friends and family told us how much they enjoyed the service. All of our guests including our son’s friends told us how your explanation of what the service was about and how you and his tutor interacted with him including both of your thoughts made the day so special. My friend, her husband and their son are non religious and that was the first time her son ever wore a Yarmulke. She sent a text me that night telling me what a wonderful time they had and how her son especially liked the service. Well done. I know my son and his tutor are missing the time they spent together. You have been a great influence on him, it cannot be measured. Having our family so scattered our son has not had the influence of older cousins and I feel like you and his tutor have become family.The Jewish education our son received will stay with him for all his life and I know he wants to continue learning and exploring Judaism with our trip to Israel. Please keep in touch and if there is anything that we can do for you please let us know. We miss you. "
- Proud Mother
" Thank you very much for all the great work you did with our son (and his older brother). We were so proud of him. As you said, he really got it together at the end. We will miss you on Tuesday nights "
- Proud Father
" Thanks for SUCH a warm, beautiful and soulful night. What a wonderful lead-in for my son. You are such an inspiration and such a special partner with whom to navigate our son through his journey. We feel so very lucky "
- Appreciative Mother
" My son has had 2 sessions so far and it's been going great...phew!! He connected and liked Mike right from the start and to my surprise this morning, my son actually said to me that he's now liking Hebrew and wants to learn...mission accomplished!! What a relief...thank you!!! "
- Appreciative Mother
" Thank you so very much. The service was just perfect. It was everything that we wanted. Our son did an unbelievably great job. He read from the torah confidently and perfectly. He didn’t miss a beat. He was just so impressive. We cannot thank you enough. You really were just exactly what he needed. The whole day was great, from beginning to end as well. "
- Proud Mother
" My son and my whole family wanted to thank you both for all your help, good guidance and well wishes. My son became a Bar Mitzvah yesterday morning on the most beautiful sunny day in Jerusalem right in front of Robinson's Arch. He was wonderful and has found the experience much more meaningful then I ever imagined he would. He was really proud as were we all of him. Rabbi Ebstein was really nice and I thought really made it a meaningful ceremony. He read us the thoughtful note you sent and my son was really touched. He was actually sad last night when we were finally going to bed (after brunch at the Ticho House and an evening celebration under a tent in the desert with a circle of drums. He couldn't believe it was over and felt sad. We explained that the whole trip is all for his bar mitzvah and trust me....he is getting so much attention and Mazal Tov. We both wanted to thank you for your help and tutoring. It was a great experience and I think he is really turned onto his Judaism and is left wanted more. What more could parents ask for. Pictures to follow (which I am sure will be gorgeous) of the day when we get them but in the meantime we wanted to tell you how it went and send our thanks. Your excitement and patience made the experience a great one for him and we cannot thank you enough." "
- Proud Mother
" I wanted to thank you for what you did for our daughter, she was so poised and confident at the ceremony...the words you spoke about her were so eloquent and true, I honestly did not think she would be able to experience such a lovely part of her heritage until we met with you and Chava. Thank you for making it everything she hoped for. You gave her the confidence and support she needed and made her feel very special. We will always be very grateful.........lets plan a date to celebrate and share the photos. Thanks again "
- Proud Mother
" Thanks for being so easy, for being my son's partner in this unfamiliar territory. You have become such a special part of our family. I'm not really sure we could have found someone whose schedule may have been EVEN harder to coordinate than ours, but somehow we managed. Thanks for being so patient. When my son got out of the car, the first thing he said was how much he'll miss you and your times together. He wants to continue something for sure. That works for all of us who will miss you too. My husband just RAVED about you. WE LOVE YOU. "
- Proud Mother
" So good to see you last night! Thank you for starting Teenage Torah Talk Group again. My daughter loves being with you and she gets so much out of the group lessons and discussions. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" "
- Proud Mother
" Your enthusiasm and passion for your teach is truly inspiring. We are so grateful to have you in our lives Joel. This is really the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Thank you. "
- Proud Father
" Just wanted to let you know that Michael has turned out to be a great asset and tutor for our son. Certain days they do simple things like chess, other times they do academic work. Our son acted out for the first few sessions, but Michael's calm steady demeanor prevailed. "
- Proud Mother
" “I want to thank you immensely for all the work you have put in with my son. He is truly fond of you and enjoys his time with you. You have made such a wonderful difference. I wish you the best of luck at school and please keep in touch.”"
- Proud Mother
" We are so excited that you are able to take on Ben and Billy. We feel so fortunate that Ben and Billy will be taught by someone as knowledgeable as you. We also feel lucky that you had such a wonderful connection with the boys that obviously was felt by them as well. When I told Billy about the news this morning he said "awesome" We are truly grateful and thrilled for this opportunity and we must say thank-you to you!! Looking forward to many, many more future conversations together as the boys continue their Hebrew education!!! "
- Proud Mother
" Thank you guys for really helping Caroline find something in herself I don't think she knew she had. It's a wonderful gift. "
- Proud Father
" I heard all night from people on how special the service was and how they were blown away by my daughter's poise and how much she took part in the service. Emails are coming in this morning saying similar things. I didn't realize back in December how much you both would touch our lives. And how you would give our daughter this incredible gift of knowledge and confidence in who she is and her abilities. Thank you both for your incredible dedication and for being the great people you are. "
- Proud Mother
" It was truly an incredible experience that was unique and special. I am glad Becky shared the photos with you so you could get an idea of the ceremony. And, of course, we could not have done it without Becky who not only taught our son beautifully but also put together a wonderful service. Honestly, the whole process and service itself could not have gone better. "
- Proud Mother